Immunoglobulin E (IgE) allergy testing for specific foods.

This test evaluates for the presence of an allergy related antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) to specific foods. Specific IgE antibodies trigger allergy symptoms to certain foods. IgE antibodies are normally found in small amounts in the blood, but higher amounts can be a sign of allergy.

This panel includes:

• Almond
• Cashew nut
• Codfish
• Cow’s milk
• Egg white
• Hazelnut
• Peanut
• Salmon
• Scallop
• Sesame seed
• Shrimp
• Soybean
• Tuna
• Walnut
• Wheat

Higher levels of IgE can be detected whether or not you have recently eaten the particular food.

Allergic symptoms differ from person to person. Not every individual with high levels of IgE for a particular food will experience an allergic reaction to it.

Higher IgE antibody levels may mean you have a higher likelihood of having a food allergy. However, the level of IgE to a particular food does not necessarily indicate how severe an allergic reaction may be.

Different methods of allergy testing, for example, blood tests and skin prick tests, may produce different results. Certain medications may affect the results of a skin prick allergy test.

A positive result means IgE antibodies were detected in your blood for a particular food. It is recommended that any positive result be shared along with your medical history with a physician experienced in food allergy interpretation. Allergist locator tools are provided with your results.

This test does not require fasting.


